EVOCATION first winter school in Vienna, Austria

The first winter school of EVOCATION took place in Vienna, Austria from 27-29 November, 2019. The winter school is the first time that the whole EVOCATION network was brought together and that all the Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) and Project Leaders (PIs) got a chance to meet each other. The purpose of the school is therefore three-fold: to introduce the ESRs to the scientific topics covered within the EVOCATION network, to involve them in training and networking activities through courses from experts on the scientific topics of EVOCATION and exposing them (via a co-located event: GCD symposium) to other scientific communities from outside of the EVOCATION network, and to have ESRs and PIs get to know each other and their respective research areas.

On the first day, the project plan was introduced to the participants, which was followed by presentations from individual beneficiary and ESRs. Details about the event is discussed in the following sections. On the second day, training sessions were delivered to the participants by the experts from the scientific areas covered by EVOCATION; details about the sessions are stated in the following sections. On the third day, the participants took part in a co-located event (GCD symposium; https://gcd.tuwien.ac.at/?p=2006) where leading researchers presented a series of lectures on recent developments in geometry, computer graphics, computational design and architectural engineering.

Most of the participants stayed together in a hotel in the downtown of Vienna that was easily connected with the event venue. In the evenings, they participated in social activities to encourage bonding as a team and the development of personal relationships with the newcomers.