EVOCATION second summer school (held online due to COVID-19)
The second summer school of EVOCATION was held online on 01-02 October, 2020 due to COVID-19. Due to the global travel restrictions, our scheduled summer school could not be arranged in the originally planned location in Cagliari at CRS4 premises.

The summer school program covered two entire days, and has been organized around two tracks. In the morning, the lectures were focused on technical/scientific topics offering a wide coverage of the visual computing field including AI, efficient GPU data structures, automatic 3D reconstruction process, rapid prototyping of geometric processing pipelines and so on.

In the afternoon, the lectures were, instead, dedicated to additional skills, with lectures on IPR, FAIR data management, and Productivity, Project and Time Management for Scientists. All lectures were given by well known experts, distributed around the world.

In addition to EVOCATION participants, the talks were opened to selected attendants from participating institutions. A total of 66 participants from 14 institutions attended the school, including all the currently recruited ESRs enrolled in the project, project leaders, management personnel, and quite a few external speakers and participants. Each talk was followed by a lively discussion session involving speakers, PIs, and ESRs.